The Master's in Applied Chromatographic Techniques is eminently practical. At the end of the first semester all students must complete the laboratory practicals course (10 ECTS) at the University at which they are enrolled. During the second semester they must complete their Final Master's Thesis (30 ECTS), which may be a research or company project. Leading companies, such as Esteve Química, Andrés Pintaluba SA, Iproma, the Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona, Laboratoris Vidal and Labser collaborate on the TFM programme.
Evaluation of the Final Master's Thesis will take into account the student's written report, the student's defence of his or her Thesis before a tribunal, and a report from the student's TFM tutor. Before beginning their TFM, students should have completed all the theoretical subjects and laboratory practices.